June 29, 2010

Amy's Bridal Shower!!

Sunday was Amy's bridal shower, it was a total success!  She definitely had a great time as evident by the her smile in every picture snapped!  There were a ton of games, food, photos, flowers and gifts.  My favorite game was Amy vs her mother-in-law for "who knows Arturo (Antonio) best".  Her cousin Jason was the only guy allowed, he shot the photos.  Nice job Jason, and thanks for letting me use them!

I made chocolate chip cookies (Ryan helped, but I really ran the show) to give as favors for the guest.  They came out well, but there aren't any good photos of them!  Ryan asked later if "anyone said that they were the best cookies they had ever eaten" haha... that got a few laughs.

Some of Amy's friends also compiled a recipe book with recipe contributions from most of the attendees (about 35 women)!
 Amy and her M-I-L
 bride-to-be and her recipe book
Can't wait for the Mazin-Marrufo wedding in October to celebrate with my dear friend!  Amy + Arturo = L-O-V-E!
 Amy's bridesmaids
women on Amy's side of the family
Mazin women
more friends
me and Am
On a sentimental note, celebrating with Amy yesterday also makes me appreciate the wonderful friends and family that made my bridal shower a special day for me.  Of course Amy was there! <3


  1. Yah! I figured out how to comment. Yes- I'm a tech-tard. Don't ask me to "follow" you b/c I have no clue what that means or entails.

    But- thank you for the shout out. It makes me feel even more loved than I did on Sunday. Wouldn't have been such a success without you- and yes Ryan, they were THE BEST COOKIES I EVER HAD!!!

    I secretly stole a few packs and just finished them off last night :(

  2. My god! This is such a lovely superb bridal shower. My cousin also looked like a princess on her wedding party last month. All the arrangements were done at LA venues with pomp and show. Their interior and exterior was mesmerizing. Desserts and snacks prepared were of utmost perfection. Also professional photography poses were done.

  3. My god! This is such a lovely superb bridal shower. My cousin also looked like a princess on her wedding party last month. All the arrangements were done at LA venues with pomp and show. Their interior and exterior was mesmerizing. Desserts and snacks prepared were of utmost perfection. Also professional photography poses were done.
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